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The New York Met will dedicate exhibition to Rock and Roll instruments

 New York, .- The Metropolitan Museum (MET) of New York will present from April 8 the largest exhibition in an art museum dedicated entirely to the iconic instruments of Rock and Roll, reported on Tuesday the institution.

The exhibition “Ply it Loud: Instruments of Rock and Roll”, will feature more than 130 instruments from 1939 to 2017, played by legendary artists such as the singer Chuck Berry, pioneer of the genre, known as “the father of Rock and Roll. “

Also by Eric Clapton, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, considered the best rock guitarist of all time, Lady Gaga, Elvis Presley, Prince, Bruce Springsteen or Ringo Starr, among many other stars.

Thus the public will be able to see “Blackie” as Clapton called his guitar, or “Love Drops” by Hendrix, painted by the artist himself, Eddie Van Halen’s Frankenstein or Jerry Garcia’s “Wolf”.

“Play it Loud: Instruments of Rock and Roll” will explore one of the most influential movements of the 20th century and the objects that made music possible, such as the first electric guitar that Berry played from 1957 to around 1963 and used to record “Johnny B.

Goode “, one of the mythical themes of the artist, who died in March 2017 at the age of 90.

Also the guitar Keith Richard, co-founder of the legendary group Rolling Stones, known for having been used when the group performed on The Ed Sullivan Show in 1956 and then hand painted by Richard.

Those who attend the Metropolitan Museum will also be able to see James Jamerson’s double bass, probably used in many of the Motown recordings or the piano, made to order for Lady Gaga, which the singer used during her performance of Artpop, in The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, in 2014 or Steve Miller’s electric guitar, painted with psychedelic designs.

The exhibition, organized by themes and in conjunction with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, will also show how artists created their individual sounds.

There will be posters, costumes, and videos of performances that will illustrate key components of the visual style of the musical movement and its impact.

“Play It Loud celebrates a chapter in the formation of art and culture in the 20th century and the extraordinary objects shown in this presentation express innovation, experimentation, passion and rebellion in the heart of Rock and Roll,” said Max Hollein, director from the museum.

“The exhibition allows us to appreciate the art of the instruments as well as their powerful role in the creation and expression of the legendary sound and identity of rock,” he added.
In November, the exhibition will travel to the Rck and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio.EFEUSA)

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