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Biden Convenes a Summit of Leaders on Climate Change on April 22

The White House has announced the call on April 22 of an international summit of leaders in which the United States will try to make clear the change of course of the Joe Biden Administration on environmental policy.

Biden signed the return of the United States to the Paris Accords shortly after setting foot in the White House and plans to issue new decrees with which “to tackle the climate crisis”, both inside and outside the North American borders, according to a statement. From his office.

Washington has set the environmental issue as an “essential element of foreign policy and national security” and even raises “a significant increase in global ambition” in reducing polluting gas emissions, with the aim of moving away a horizon “dangerous” and “potentially catastrophic” for the planet. The United States now marks 2050 as the horizon to achieve carbon neutrality.

Biden will create an office within the White House and a task force to reinforce the federal government’s vision on these issues and wants all agencies to develop a plan to contain the potential impacts of climate change, while advocating for the acquisition of national products to reduce the carbon footprint.

The new government plans to rethink energy policy, in such a way that the United States moves towards cleaner energies – expressly refers to offshore wind installations – and to move towards an economy that, in general terms, is more sustainable. Thus, it wants to bet on new jobs and on conserving and promoting natural spaces.

Among the specific measures, there is the elimination of fossil fuel subsidies and a pause in the signing of new contracts for the exploitation of oil and gas fields on federal lands, with the aim of buying time while a “rigorous review” of the current programs. Contracts already signed will not be affected.

Biden wants to distance himself from his predecessor, Donald Trump, who abandoned the Paris Accords, arguing that meeting his goals would hinder the development of the US economy and promoted controversial policies on energy development.

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