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Broward meets count as it advances in rest of Florida on closing day

Floridians hope to know today the winners of a seat in the Senate and the Interior when the deadline for the countdown to its 67 counties expires, of which Broward, who has been targeted by delays in the election poll, ended already the process at expiration hours.

In contrast to Broward and Miami-Dade, two of the most populated counties in Florida that have already completed the task, Palm Beach has had problems with overheating of machines and it is anticipated that it will not be able to deliver this afternoon, when the time expires, the results to the Elections Division of the Department of State, headed by Secretary Ken Detzner.

The electoral authorities of this county had already anticipated the problems due to their “obsolete” machines and managed a one-week extension, ordered by a judge, to count the ballots for the elections on November 6.

However, any court ruling today can change the term not only for Palm Beach but for the rest of the counties in response to seven lawsuits filed by both parties, especially by Democratic Senator Bill Nelson, who is seeking re-election and has questioned the criteria to invalidate ballots.

Nelson, who obtained about 12,500 fewer votes than the Republican candidate, Rick Scott, current governor of Florida, which is why a recount is automatic, has demanded as “unconstitutional” electoral rules by which ballots are invalidated.

Similarly, he has criticized, for example, that voters’ ballots are rejected because their signatures do not coincide with those that are in the electoral register, considering that the electoral workers are not experts in signatures to invalidate ballots.

The Democrat also asked the court to count the votes sent by postal mail that arrived to the electoral entities after Election Day and that Governor Scott does not get involved in the certification of results.

Meanwhile, Republican Scott, head of Detzner, who leads the recount, announced on Wednesday that he was going to abstain from participating in the certification of results of his contention in the Senate before the judicial demands in that sense, among them, a of the League of Women Voters of Florida.

Meanwhile, the other 64 counties advance in the count and have until this afternoon to deliver the results to the office of Detzner, which must announce the results or if there is mandatory manual counting in case the margin between Scott and Nelson is a quarter of knit or less.

In that sense, the Justice will also have to decide a lawsuit from Nelson that asked for the “necessary” time for all the 67 counties in the process of counting more than eight million votes.

The count of votes in the 67 counties of Florida also seeks to clarify who is the winner of the Governor’s office, which is disputed by the former Republican Congressman Ron DeSantis, which was endorsed by Trump, and the Democrat Andrew Gillum, mayor of Tallahassee and supported by the former president Barack Obama.

According to the initial scrutiny, DeSantis surpassed by about 33,500 (0.41%) votes to Gillum and the narrow difference also in this case forced to count the votes again.

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