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Mexico sympathizes with Guatemala after the eruption of the Fuego volcano

Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray expressed today, on behalf of his country, his solidarity with the government and people of Guatemala for the human losses and damages caused by the eruption of the Fuego volcano on Sunday.

“Mexico expresses its solidarity to the government and people of Guatemala for the damage caused by the eruption of the Fuego volcano, and also conveys its deepest condolences to the families of the deceased and wishes the wounded to recover quickly,” Videgaray wrote in his letter. twitter account.

The Guatemalan authorities reported that at least seven people killed, a score injured and 1.7 million affected was the preliminary result of the violent eruption.

In a press conference headed by the president of Guatemala, Jimmy Morales, the secretary of the National Coordinator of Disaster Reduction (Conred), Sergio Garcia, explained that four people, including an employee of that institution, died in a house when I planned the evacuation.

The other three people lost their lives as a result of severe burns in the Las Lajas canyon, the relief official said.

All of Guatemala was declared in orange alert (prevention), while the departments of Escuintla, Chimaltenango and Sacatepéquez, where its located the Fuego volcano, are on red alert.

In addition there is an undetermined number of disappeared and 3,100 have been evacuated.

President Morales announced that his Mexican counterparts, Enrique Peña Nieto; from Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández and from El Salvador, Salvador Sánchez, expressed their solidarity and offered help.

The Fuego volcano is located between the departments of Escuintla, Chimaltenango and Sacatepéquez, 50 kilometers west of the capital.

According to the National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology (Insivumen), the activity this Sunday has been the strongest eruption of the last years of the cone, the most active of the 32 that Guatemala has.

The ash that launched the volcano reached up to 10,000 meters and reached the northern department of Baja Verapaz and El Progreso in the east.

In the capital the ash forced to suspend the flights in the international airport La Aurora.

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