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Miami Beach imposes a curfew after two consecutive nights of shootings

Miami Beach has imposed a curfew on the city this Sunday, after there have been two consecutive shootings over the weekend, as well as the “excessively large and rebellious crowds” that are in the area on the occasion of the spring break celebration.

“In response to the two shootings and the excessively large and unruly crowds, and to mitigate dangerous and illegal conduct, the City of Miami Beach has ordered a state of emergency and curfew effective 11:59 p.m. Sunday, March 19, 2023 until 06:00 on Monday, March 20, 2023,” according to a statement.

The city authorities have warned that their intention is to authorize additional movement restriction measures starting this Tuesday, for at least a week. However, the decision will be made after a special meeting that will take place this Monday at the town hall.

Over the weekend, there have been two shootings in which there have been fatalities. The first incident took place on Friday, when one person died and another was injured, in the middle of the festivities of Saint Patrick’s Day and spring break (spring break, in English).

During the early hours of Sunday, a second person died after being shot, while another person was injured, as reported by the CNN television network.

It is not the first time that the city of Miami Beach has imposed a curfew in this context, since during the spring of 2022 the authorities had to take this measure after several shootings.

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