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Ricardo Montaner receives European affection at the Teatro Real in Madrid Start tour with a full house

  • Ricardo Montaner began his tour of Europe with a great concert at the Teatro Real in Madrid in Spain with a full house and among applause he premiered his new song “I miss you” and also sang that “Free Venezuela” to his beloved country.
    Under the chords of his eternally successful song “Tan enamored”, Montaner entered the stage during the weekend after 8 pm under “a rain” of applause, which harmoniously completed the sound of the venue.
    Song after song, the singer-songwriter received the affection of the public. At one point, the singer-songwriter premiered his new song “I miss you” and also sang to his country that “Free Venezuela…”
    Montaner spoke to the audience, shared his experiences and made the audience stand on their feet with the traditional “Conga” and “Cachita” during the nearly two and a half hour show.
    They could not miss the songs that made him famous, as well as more recent hits like “Amen” (backed by a gigantic projection of the song’s official video clip, featuring his children Mau and Ricky, Evaluna and Camilo), “La Gloria de Dios “, and then conclude with his mega hit “La Cima del Cielo”.
    The Spanish public saw Ricardo Montaner make history in the old continent, on a tour that would take him to other European cities such as Barcelona, ​​Paris, Tenerife, Valencia and Coruña.

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