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Kamala Harris leaves her Senate seat ahead of her inauguration as US Vice President

The vice president-elect of the United States, Kamala Harris, presented her resignation as senator on Monday in view of the investiture session scheduled for Wednesday.

This has been confirmed by Harris herself, who has delivered her resignation letter to the governor of California, Gavin Newsom, according to information from the television network CNN. In an opinion column published by the ‘San Francisco Chronicle’, which will be Joe Biden’s ‘number two’ at the head of the White House has indicated that “this is not a goodbye but a hello.”

Harris, as vice president of the United States, will preside over the Upper House of the Congress of the North American country. “Now that I am resigning as senator, I am preparing to swear in the position that will make me preside over the Senate,” she stressed.

“As Senator Walter Mondale said, the vice presidency is the only government office that belongs to the legislative and executive branch of the country,” he expressed before clarifying that it is a “great responsibility”, especially now that the number of Democrats and Republicans is “balanced.”

Thus, she Harris has guaranteed that she will use her casting vote in the Senate to “tie the tie” as long as it is necessary, but she has qualified that she hopes not to have to. “Since the founding of our country, the vice president has only had to intervene to tie the breaker on 268 occasions,” she recalled.

“As Vice President, I will work tirelessly to fulfill my constitutional duties while I hope the Senate will come together to work on behalf of the American people,” she said.

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