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Trump threatens to send federal forces to Portland even if the mayor doesn’t ask

Biden condemns riots, but accuses Trump of “fomenting violence”

US President Donald Trump has threatened an intervention by federal forces in Portland, the scene of serious riots and demonstrations, even if state or municipal authorities do not request it.

“Portland has been a mess for many years. If this mayor joke does not clean it up, we will go and go for them!” Trump said through his official Twitter account, referring to the mayor, Democrat Ted Wheeler.

On Saturday, a Trump supporter was shot to death during riots between supporters of the president and the protest movement against racism and police violence.

Wheeler blamed Trump for the violence on Sunday, saying the president “has created hatred and division.” In response, Trump Administration Interior ‘number two’ Ken Cuccinelli has said that Wheeler “is a mayor who hates President Trump more than he loves the people of Portland.”

Who has also blamed the president of the United States for the latest episodes of violence has been his next rival in the November elections, Joe Biden.

“Trump cannot end the violence because he has been promoting it for years,” Biden said during a campaign rally in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

“He may believe that pronouncing the words law and order makes him strong, but his failure to ask his followers to stop acting as an armed militia in this country shows how weak he is,” he said.

On the other hand, the Democratic candidate for the White House has condemned the riots these days, which arose during the protests over the latest episode of police violence, which have left the young Jacob Blake hospitalized in serious condition after receiving seven shots from the police. in the back.

“I will be very clear about all this, the riots are not protests. Looting is not protests. Setting fires are not protests. None of this is protesting. It is illegal, plain and simple,” he emphasized.

“Violence will not bring change, it will only bring destruction. The fires must end, but we have a president who fans the flames, instead of putting them out,” he said.

Portland has become one of the last major hotbeds of protests against police brutality, after a man linked to a far-right group called Patriot Prayer died after being shot in the chest late Saturday night.

Days earlier, a 17-year-old white supremacist murdered two people and injured another during a demonstration against racial violence.

The death of George Floyd after spending almost nine minutes with his neck trapped by the knee of Police officer Derek Chauvin on May 25 sparked protests and riots in major cities in the United States, in a movement that has grown and spread. spread around the world against racism.

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