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Curry: “You have to take off your cap before the players of the Raptors”

 Oakland (USA), .- The Golden State Warriors star base, Stephen Curry, who scored 47 points, but could not avoid the defeat of his team 109-123 against the Toronto Raptors in the Third Party. of the NBA Finals, acknowledged that they were always outdone by their rivals.

“Every time we tried to get into the game, the public supported us, the Raptors came up with a basket of spectacular triple or another type of play that guaranteed them to stay in control of the pace of the game and that everything was on their side,” Curry said. . “All of us tried, but in front we had a very good team and we have to remove the cap before their players.”

Curry, refused to make excuses to the defeat by the absences of his companions, the escort Klay Thompson, the forward Kevin Durant and the pivot Devon Looney.

“Right, we were left without three players that are very important to us, but the responsibility of those of us in the field is always to fight for the win and that is what we did,” said Curry. “The difference was that they made things better and scored more points.”

Curry said that now it was time to forget what happened in the Third Party, rest to the fullest and be ready for the Fourth, which will play on Friday and on the same stage.

“We have all the confidence that we can come back like we did in the second game,” said Curry. “In addition to waiting for Klay (Thompson) to be with us and the same we want with Kevin (Durant), said Curry.” The important thing is that in the field we gave everything and we lost because our rival was better. “(EFE )

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