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Enviado de Guaidó asks the Pentagon for a meeting to talk about military aid

 Washington, Venezuela .- Venezuelan Carlos Vecchio, the diplomatic representative of Juan Guaidó in the US, requested the Pentagon a meeting to discuss military cooperation aimed at “alleviating” the suffering of the Venezuelan people and “restore” democracy.

The petition was made by Vecchio in a letter, made public today and dated May 11, the same day that Guaidó reported that he had requested his representative in the United States. to arrange a meeting with the Southern Command, responsible for the US Armed Forces in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Vecchio’s letter is addressed to the head of the Southern Command, Admiral Craig Faller, who confirms the disposition of Guaidó, recognized as interim president of Venezuela by 54 nations, to “begin the respective talks on the cooperation that has been offered by his command”.

The goal, said Vecchio on Twitter, is “to advance strategic and operational planning with the priority goal of alleviating the suffering of the Venezuelan people and restoring democracy.”

In his letter, the envoy of Guaidó said that “conditions in Venezuela are worsening, as a consequence of the corrupt, incompetent and illegitimate regime of the usurper Nicolás Maduro, which tragically have consequences for national security in Venezuela, as well as in neighboring countries. “

“Equally worrying,” added Vecchio, “is the impact of the presence of uninvited foreign forces that put our country and others at risk.”

The opposition, led by Guaidó and Washington, assures that there are some 20,000 Cubans infiltrated among the Venezuelan security forces, something the government of Havana denies.

On the other hand, at the end of March, Russia sent to Venezuela two planes with a hundred soldiers commanded by Major General Vasili Tonkoshkurov, Chief of Staff of the Army.

Russia, ally of Maduro, has argued that the presence in Venezuela of these Russian forces is simply due to maintenance work of the technical-military equipment that Moscow delivered to the South American country, under a cooperation agreement signed in 2001 with the late President Hugo Chavez.

Venezuela is going through a peak of political tension since last January, when Maduro swore a new term of 6 years that does not recognize the opposition and part of the international community and, in response, Guaidó was proclaimed interim president of the country.

USA It was the first nation to recognize Guaidó as head of state and, since then, has tried to pressure Maduro with the revocation of visas to Venezuelan officials and sanctions against the company Petróleos de Venezuela (Pdvsa), the main source of currency for Caracas.

In addition, President Donald Trump has been insisting for months that “all options”, including military, “are on the table” to resolve the situation in Venezuela. (EFEUSA)

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