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Trump dismisses Maduro as “puppet of Cuba” in his speech in Miami

US President Donald Trump said today that people in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela expect democracy and once again recognized Juan Guaidó as the legitimate leader of Venezuela, while calling President Nicolás Maduro a “puppet of Cuba.”

For more than half an hour, Trump focused his speech on supporting the Venezuelan people and the changes that are happening in that nation, where, according to his words, 90% of the population lives in poverty and three million Venezuelans have left the country. country.

“Socialism does not respect the poor, that’s why we work together to control the disaster,” he said.
The situation has worsened in recent months in Venezuela, where the opposition considers illegitimate elections last May, in which Nicolás Maduro was re-elected president and have been questioned by the international community.

The crisis was accentuated after on January 23, the head of Parliament, the opposition Juan Guaidó, declared himself interim president of the country when invoking articles of the Venezuelan Constitution and obtained the support of more than 40 countries, including the United States.

“Maduro has not let help (…) into Colombia, they were aid packages for children,” Trump said at the Ocean Bank Convention Center of Florida International University (FIU) in Miami.

Presented by his wife and first lady, Melania Trump, the president said that “Cuba is the one that controls Venezuela, not Maduro, but they will not be able to continue paying Cuba, this has to change quickly”.

“They have to accept President Guaidó,” he added.
In his speech, Trump presented Aminta Pérez, the mother of the Venezuelan insurgent police Óscar Pérez, and gave him the microphone a few minutes before continuing his oratory.

The mother of Oscar Óscar Perez, who was killed in an armed confrontation with government military forces in January 2018, called for “justice and humanitarian aid”, in addition to “continuing with Oscar’s legacy until Venezuela is free and able to return.”

Trump aligned in his speech to Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, the three countries called “axis of evil” by his security adviser, John Bolton.
These governments, he said, “decide when you are born and when you die,” and emphasized that the United States “will never be a socialist country.”

Trump traveled today to Miami from Palm Beach, where he spent the weekend, to give a speech on the situation in Venezuela before a hearing in which there are representatives of the large Venezuelan community in Florida, congressmen and the governor of the state, Ron DeSantis, among others.

Before he made an appearance on the FIU campus, the president of the Venezuelan Parliament, Juan Guaidó, whom the United States recognizes as president in charge of Venezuela, spoke by videoconference from Caracas.

Guaidó thanked Trump for his help to “conquer freedom” and said that we must take advantage of the current moment to achieve that goal.

Venezuela is torn between “democracy and dictatorship, between life and death,” said Guaidó. (EFEUSA) .-

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