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Trump announces missile system expansion before threat of rivals

The president, Donald Trump, today announced his new strategy to expand and modernize the missile defense system as his adversaries, among which he quoted North Korea and Iran, are increasing “their capacity for lethal attack.”

“My first obligation is to defend our country,” he said in a speech at the Pentagon, noting that his global opponents are increasing “their capacity for lethal attack.”

In this regard, the president stressed that the US has “the best weapons in the world” so it will ensure that its defense systems remain “unrivaled”.

“We will protect all US cities from any attack, at any time (…) and invest in a defense network located in space,” he added, adding as an example that they will add 20 new missile interception systems. In alaska.

The Pentagon report, released along with Trump’s speech, details that “the current security context is more complex and volatile than what has been experienced in recent memory” and “potential adversaries are investing substantially in its missile capability. “

For this reason, it considers as “imperative” the modernization of the American defense “to confront the ongoing progress of the adversaries in their regional offensive missile systems”, among which it also mentions Russia and China.

This review of the US missile system It is the first in almost a decade. (EFEUSA) .-

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