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Florida primary enters the final straight with support from Trump to DeSantis

Less than a month after the primary elections were held in Florida, the state where the voter registration is now closed, President Donald Trump plans to support Ron DeSantis, Republican candidate for the Florida Governorate, at a rally in Tampa on Tuesday.

The deadline for registration of new voters or change of party for the elections on August 28 in Florida, from which will emerge the official candidates of the parties for the elections on November 6, ends today.

In addition to the replacement of Gov. Rick Scott, an ally of President Trump, the seat of Florida Democratic Senator Bill Nelson and 27 of the lower house of the United States, including that of Ileana Ros-Lethinen, the Cuban-American congresswoman, is at stake. who announced his retirement last year.

DeSantis, one of 26 aspirants to be a candidate for the Interior, has been rising in the polls after the support of Trump, with which he is fully aligned in his policies.

In a campaign television ad that premieres tomorrow, Tuesday, coinciding with the president’s visit to Tampa, his wife Casey scoffs saying that her husband is not just Trump, that “it’s much more”, while she shows him building with one of your children a wall with boxes of gifts.

Then it shows the other child, a baby, in a red dress reading “Make New America Great” or teaching him to read “you’re fired,” alluding to the phrase coined by Trump on a television show.

Meanwhile, students from Technical High School Tampa Bay grouped in “Move Together,” on the west coast of Florida, are scheduled to hold a protest on Tuesday, prior to Trump’s visit to that school, where the president will make a Round table before the rally to support DeSantis.

The congressman for Florida is the favorite to win the primaries for the Republican Party, with 41%, according to a poll on intentions of vote of Mason-Dixon, in which the commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam appears in second place with 29% .

Meanwhile, Gwen Graham, daughter of former Florida Governor Bob Graham (1979-1987), leads the Democratic Party for the Interior, with 27%, followed by former Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine, with 18%.

Trump’s support for DeSantis, who has ousted the former favorite, Adam Putnam, and the campaign of incumbent Governor Scott, who wants to unseat Democrat Bill Nelson, elected in that position since 2000, focuses the election campaign on Florida.

Both Governor Scott and Senator Nelson are stepping up their efforts to conquer Florida’s Hispanic voters, especially Cubans, Venezuelans and Puerto Ricans, the latter mostly established in central Florida, many of them displaced by Hurricane Maria in 2017.

Nelson has been mainly focused on immigration issues, such as the reunification of children separated from their parents on the border with Mexico as part of President Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy towards illegal immigration, as well as criticizing the elimination of the Status. of Temporary Protection (TPS) for Haitians and Central Americans.

Meanwhile, civil organizations such as Mi Familia Vota, intend to expand their voter registration bases in a campaign against the clock, with electronic tools, in the hundred days left for the midterm elections.

Nancy Bautista, a spokesperson for the organization in Florida, told Efe today that last week they reached the milestone of 100,000 registered voters since Mi Familia Vota was established in Florida in 2012.

In the 27th district, in the hands of Ileana Ros-Lethinen, there are fifteen registered candidates, among them the Cuban-American journalist María Elvira Salazar and the daughter of the popular Cuban singer Willy Chirino, Angie, both republicans.

The Democrats have Donna Shalala, former president of the University of Miami and the Clinton Foundation, who raised more than a million dollars in her first month of campaign last March, and David Richardson, state representative, who recently visited Cuba.

Voters in Florida will also elect nominees for attorney general and agriculture commissioner.

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