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Peña Nieto responds to Trump that Mexico will never pay for a wall

Mexico will never pay for a wall, “not now, not ever,” Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto said today in response to US President Donald Trump’s declaration that this country will pay for the construction of the barrier it promised on its border. south.

In a message posted on his official Twitter account @EPN at 8:28 pm (01:28 GMT), the Mexican president personally addressed the president @ realDonaldTrump to ensure that his country will “never” pay for the wall.

The Mexican president subscribed with a “Yours sincerely, Mexico (all of us) your answer to Trump, which already exceeded 3,000 retweets and more than 5,700” likes “.

Trump resumed today in a rally with followers in Nashville (Tennessee) the idea that it will be Mexico that pays the construction of the wall on the border and also assured that “they will enjoy it”.

“We are going to achieve the wall in any case, I do not want to cause any problems, but in the end Mexico is going to pay the wall, I just tell them,” the president told his supporters.

This is the first time President Peña Nieto addresses a direct response to the wall to the US president since he began talking about the wall during his presidential campaign.

The wall on the border and Trump’s announcement that Mexico pays for its construction, immigration issues and the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) have caused friction in the bilateral relationship.

For these issues, have been canceled a couple of trips from President Peña Nieto to Washington to meet Trump.

Both presidents held their first meeting on July 7, 2017 in the framework of the G-20 Summit held in Hamburg, Germany.

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