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Hispanics “more optimistic” about their economy and raise approval of Trump

The confidence of Hispanics in their financial situation has improved in this first quarter of the year, as has their approval of President Donald Trump, according to a survey published today by the Florida Atlantic University (FAU).

Thus, 69% of Hispanics interviewed indicated that “it is better financially than it was in the last quarter” of 2017 and 78% were “optimistic” in relation to their financial future, according to the survey on Economy and Business (FAU BEPI) of the Business School of the FAU.

On the other hand, the percentage approval of President Donald Trump’s performance rose from 33% to 37% in the first quarter of the year, but still falls below the 39% mark registered in the first quarter of 2017.

The Consumer Sentiment Index (HCSI) from last January to March has risen to 98.9%, that is, 5.4 percentage points more than in the fourth quarter of 2017, the highest since the index was registered. quarterly form in 2016.

“Maybe this is due to the fact that interest rates are rising and it is better to make purchases with low interest rates at the moment,” said Monica Escaleras, director of FAU BEPI.

Nearly 6 out of 10 Latinos (59%) said it was a “good time to buy a house” and 62% of them said the same when deciding to buy a car.

However, 59% said that the cost of living continues to rise and only 23% said it had decreased. efe

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