On November 25, there were demonstrations, homilies, offerings, acts of homage and statements against violence against women… but they continue to be murdered.
José Rafael Sosa |
With a number of women murdered this year that varies between 84 according to official figures and 174 according to the statistics of civil society, the country this Saturday spoke out against feminicide, the highest expression of sexist violence.
According to the conservative calculations, from the rate of murders of women registered so far, it is likely that the total number of feminicides will be, as of December 31, above 130, one of the highest levels in the last 10 years. , during which the average of these events, had remained between 80 and 103. The highest level occurred in 2008 on 134 women murdered.
Domestic violence produced 2 thousand 296 women murdered in the Dominican Republic from the end of 2000 until the first months of 2013. (Sources: National Police, Ministry of Women, Research Center for Women’s Action (CIPAF), PROFAMILIA and in the book Women Against Violence, by Ana María Brasileiro).
Apparently, have not been worth anything all the campaigns and actions of public and private institutions and so far have not been able to stop the fatal hemorrhaging of so many women deaths.
The hope seems to be put into the effectiveness of the National Plan, Not one more !, announced by a set of official organizations, led by the Attorney General of the Republic and which are part of the National Police and the ministries of Women, Public Health and of the Woman.
This initiative, which has one of the most beautiful and aesthetic video clips of those that have been shot with this theme, has not stopped the wave of senseless death against women. As an apparent and brutal response to the announcement of the National Plan, an ex-husband, identified as Martín Batista Ogando, killed Geraldine Ivette Sánchez Baldera, mother of a two-year-old boy, with a shot in the head in the Gala sector of this capital. On the night of this Friday the 24th, the murderer turned himself in at the Police Palace.
The cooperatives
The Women’s Cooperativist Committee, along with other women’s organizations of the cooperative sector, yesterday deposited a wreath on the bust of Salome Ureña, on the university campus of the UASD.
Anaisa Pérez Báez, president of the Women’s Cooperative Committee, stressed that a very important role in feminicide, are the “observers”, which can be of three types: the indifferent (that do not get into lawsuits of Husband and wife ” ), the active defenders of the woman and the “enchinchadores” that incite the aggressors to be more violent.
The women, men and women of the cooperatives CoopHerrera, CooeproUASD, Coopseguros, the Gender Committee of the CCC-CA, the Cooperative Training Institute (INFCOOP), the Women’s Committee of the Dominican Subsidiary of the Cooperative Alliance of the Americas and the National Council of Cooperatives.

Terrero and Conavihsida
On the other hand, the executive director of the National Council for HIV and AIDS, in a statement on the occasion of this commemoration, argues that the violation of the right of women to make decisions facilitates the situation of gender violence.
In a message from the institution on the occasion of the Day of Nonviolence against Women, the official warned that femicides have become an out-of-control epidemic.
“As long as the rights of women are not respected and the legal and legal conditions for their real empowerment are not created, we will not be effective enough,” he said.
The violation of women’s right to make decisions facilitates the situation of gender violence, warned Dr. Víctor Terrero, executive director of the National Council for HIV and AIDS (CONAVIHSIDA).
“Violence against women,” he added, “as a factor associated with HIV infection, violates their right to a dignified life and their right to decide, and affects their children, as long as the rights of women and women are not respected. do not create the legal and legal conditions for their real empowerment, we will not be effective enough. ”
She argued that the more women acquire HIV, the more the possibility of transmission to children increases if the necessary measures are not taken to prevent the transmission of HIV in pregnant women.