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Hillary Clinton: “Putin underestimated Biden and continued with the invasion of Ukraine”

She claims that a victory for Ukraine can defuse the situation with China

Former US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has stated that the victory of the now US president, Joe Biden, did not stop the plans that Russian President Vladimir Putin already had in mind: “Putin underestimated Biden and continued with the invasion of Ukraine, which began in 2014 in Crimea”.

She has said this in the framework of the conference ‘A life in global politics’ that she has offered at La Capella del Macba in Barcelona for the 50th anniversary of the Barcelona Center for International Affairs (Cidob).

She has also pointed out that Putin did not have “the leadership of the President of Ukraine, Volodimir Zelensky, nor the courage of the Ukrainians”, and has maintained that a victory for Ukraine can calm the situation with China.

In fact, Clinton believes that Putin promised Chinese leader Xi Jinping to “win Kiev in a week,” and that the situation that has unfolded in Ukraine — with loss of soldiers and economic sanctions — may help Xi Jinping not to emulate Mr. Putin in Taiwan.

“It is ironic and paradoxical that Putin’s aggressive behavior in Ukraine has caused Xi Jinping to rethink his behavior and that other countries have done things they would not have done, such as the Philippines prepare for self-defense,” Clinton has argued.

She has also recalled the information published a few years ago according to which the now former president Donald Trump could have “privately promised” the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, that he would take the United States out of NATO if he revalidated the presidency in 2020.

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