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The US confirms the arrest of three leaders of the Salvadoran Mara Salvatrucha

Bukele reports the transfer of up to 2,000 prisoners from these gangs to a new prison in Tecoluca

The United States Department of Justice has confirmed the arrest this week in Mexico of three high-ranking officers of the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), who are accused of various crimes of terrorism and extortion.

They are Vladimir Arevalo Chavez, alias ‘Vampiro de Monserrat Criminales’, Walter Hernandez Rivera, alias ‘Baxter de Park View’ and Marlon Menjivar Portillo, alias ‘Rojo de Park View’, who were deported to Texas after their arrest.

The three join another list of ten MS-13 gang members –six of them in custody of El Salvador– who are charged in the United States for committing crimes of terrorism, extortion, kidnapping, murder, and manipulation over two decades. of the electoral process in the Central American country.

The United States Attorney General, Merrick Garland, stressed in a statement that the measures taken against these thirteen people show that “there is no hiding place anywhere in the world” for those who “terrorize American communities.” Thus, he has said that they will continue to work to dismantle MS-13 and other transnational criminal organizations and hold their leaders accountable.”

The United States Attorney’s Office has reported that they will request their counterparts in El Salvador to extradite the other six leaders who are imprisoned in that country, while they hope to be able to arrest the other four who are still fugitives and for whom they offer a reward of up to 20,000 Dollars.

Meanwhile, the president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, has published on his Twitter profile a video of the operation that they carried out this Friday to transfer the first 20,000 imprisoned gang members to the new prison set up in Tecoluca, the Confinement Center of Terrorism (CECOT).

“This will be their new house, where they will live for decades, mixed, without being able to do more harm to the population,” the Salvadoran president celebrated. A message that has been applauded by his allies, between demands so that the prisoners do not see “not a ray of sunshine” and criticism of previous administrations.

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