The Congress of Peru withdraws the special jurisdiction of former President Castillo


The Peruvian Congress approved this Monday morning the withdrawal of special jurisdiction from former President Pedro Castillo, thus paving the way for a trial for his coup attempt last week, when he announced the dissolution of Parliament and decreed an emergency government.

With 67 votes in favor and 45 against, the Plenary of Congress has given the ‘green light’ to lift the prerogative of political impeachment that Castillo enjoyed as head of state and could now be prosecuted by the Prosecutor’s Office.

This Legislative resolution directly points to the former president as the alleged co-author of various crimes against the powers of the State and the constitutional order, as reported by the Peruvian news agency Andina.

Castillo delivered a speech to the nation last Wednesday in which he announced the dissolution of Parliament and established an emergency government. However, his decree was not supported and he ended up removed from office by Congress and detained by the Prosecutor’s Office.

The one who until now had been her ‘number two’, Dina Boluarte, took over as head of the Presidency of Peru, naming a new ministerial Cabinet this weekend. Likewise, Boluarte has advanced her intention to propose the advancement of elections to April 2024.


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