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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

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They call to vote for the ethical and academic option that Jorge Asjana represents for the UASD

Commemorating this Tuesday the 63rd anniversary of the expedition of June 14, the military landing that took place in Constanza, Maimón and Estero Hondo in 1959, the Flavio Suero Student Front (FEFLAS), made a call to the voters who will vote this Wednesday in the elections to elect the new rector of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), to opt for the ethical option represented by the professor, Jorge Asjana.

The call was made by the president of the student movement, Stalin Martínez, to the university professors, administrative servants and students, who are part of the electoral faculty, understanding that Asjana represents the national patriotic ideals that the academy and the Dominican Republic need.

“We chose Asjana and the Great Alliance because we honor the UASD, its almost 500-year legacy and the hundreds of men and women who gave their lives so that it remains incorruptible,” Martínez wrote on his Twitter account.

He also said that the UASD needs authorities that represent it with dignity and wisdom, capable of articulating and expressing ideas, for which he understands that Asjana is the best option to achieve these goals.

The statements by the leader of FEFLAS are given on the occasion of one more anniversary of the “June 14 Expedition”, a historic action in which a group of Dominican patriots came to overthrow the dictatorship of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo by force of arms. This patriotic deed marked the beginning of the end of the dictatorship.

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