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Twitch plans to update its user complaints and appeals process in 2022

The streaming platform Twitch has announced the goals set for 2022, among which it has highlighted that it plans to update its user complaints and appeals process, as well as introduce improvements in the detection of suspicious users.

In an open letter signed by the vice president of Confiaza y Seguridad Global (T&S) at Twitch, Angela Hession, the goals of the platform to meet in 2022 are set out with the objective of improving measures already implemented last year.

Thus, from Twitch they have established four main objectives on which they intend to focus their efforts: deter harmful behaviors, empower communities through tools that can control, improve education and communication about safety and balance the content that can annoy certain hearings.

In order to achieve these purposes, a series of measures will be implemented, including improvements in the user complaints and appeals process or updates on how creators can be informed about the detection of suspicious users. .

Soon, Twitch will explain the updates of the sexual content policies with which the platform works, the news about the Security Advisory Council inspired by the suggestions of users, as well as the dissemination and improvement of educational content through the Security Center.

Furthermore, Hession has encouraged users to communicate with their team through UserVoice, a tool with which they can express their opinions and suggestions so that the platform can assess them.

In addition to pointing out which are the bases on which they are going to work in the current year, the directive has explained how the progress has been in terms of security that the platform has experienced throughout 2021.

“In the last twelve months we have released some of the most powerful tools yet to help make Twitch as secure as possible. We also introduced several historical policies that help protect the community against new threats,” Hession said in the statement.

Thus, she has mentioned some of the actions that they implemented since the beginning of 2021 and that seek to improve this 2022. On the one hand, she has highlighted that they have worked with policies on hateful behavior and harassment aimed at the protection of vulnerable groups. Among them are women, members of the LGBTQIA + community, black or indigenous.

The directive has also insisted that it has focused its efforts on ending hate attacks that come from automated accounts or ‘bots’ and has ensured that during 2021 more than 15 million of them were eliminated, a number that “continues to grow” .

Despite this progress, Hession has recognized that stopping these attacks presents great difficulties. “It is likely that we will never be able to eliminate them completely, but several of our updates, such as the technology of ‘back-end’ or the tools of the Creator, such as the chat verified by phone, have significantly reduced their number,” he pointed out.

Two of the tools launched in 2021 that have had a great impact are the verified chat, which he introduced in September, and the detection of suspicious users.

The first feature allows streamers to require verification before viewers can post comments on their channel’s char through options like providing phone number or extended email controls.

On the other hand, the detection of suspicious users helps locate and take action against those who may be trying to evade the platform’s bans, a function that Twitch plans to strengthen in 2022.

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