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Trump sues the attorney general of New York to stop the cases opened for tax irregularities

The legal team of former United States President Donald Trump has filed a lawsuit on Monday against the attorney general of New York, Letitia James, whom he accuses of leading a “witch hunt” against him, and thus stopping open tax fraud cases against your real estate empire.

The New York Prosecutor’s Office has opened a case against the Trump Organization for alleged deliberate irregularities in the declaration of its real estate assets to obtain favorable conditions in the application of loans and insurance, at the same time that it reduces its tax obligations.

The former White House tenant maintains that his constitutional rights are being violated as part of a “witch hunt” led by James, who a few weeks ago abandoned his career as Democratic governor of New York, according to the lawsuit he has had. access the American press.

Thus, the lawsuit maintains that “James is guided solely by political animosity and the desire to harass, intimidate and retaliate” against Trump, “a private citizen whom she sees as a political opponent.”

According to the letter, of some thirty pages that break down some of the criticisms made by James on his social networks towards the former president of the United States, the attorney general would be carrying out a “bitter crusade” against Trump and his family, who would have been “tirelessly bombarded” through “unjustified” subpoenas.

Trump’s lawyer, Alina Habba, said in a statement that “James points to President Trump with an insensitive disregard for the ethical and moral obligations that he swore to fulfill when he became attorney general”, reports the newspaper ‘The New York Times ‘.

Trump’s defense has filed this lawsuit less than two weeks after James remarked that she would seek in early January to question former President Trump under oath in early January in this case of alleged fraud committed against the public administration.

“I have come to the conclusion that I must continue my work as attorney general. There are a number of important investigations and cases that are open and I intend to finish the work,” James said earlier in the month, thus closing off any possibility of participate in the internal Democratic Party for the governorship of the state of New York.

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