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Sex Trafficking Victims Can Now Sue Facebook Over Recruiting and Exploitation

Timothy Plan Launches Petition to End Pornography and Sex Trafficking on Social Media Sites

ORLANDO, Fla.— The Texas Supreme Court recently ruled that Houston teenage sex trafficking victims can sue Facebook and other social media platforms for the conduct of pimps who use the sites to prey on children. The decision came right ahead of World Day Against Trafficking of Persons on July 30.

The court cited Facebook’s Section 230 liability protection but noted, “We do not understand Section 230 to ‘create a lawless no-man’s-land on the internet’ in which states are powerless to impose liability on websites that knowingly or intentionally participate in the evil of online human trafficking.”

It is not surprising that the internet is the primary recruitment method for human trafficking. The 2020 Federal Human Trafficking Report found that by far, Facebook is the No. 1 platform used by sex traffickers to recruit victims.

The report found that 59% of all online sex trafficking of children and adults occurs on Facebook. The report states that 65% of child victims recruited on the internet were found on Facebook, with the majority (89%) between the age of 14-17. Facebook also owns the second-most active child recruiting site, Instagram (14%).

Timothy Plan (www.timothyplan.com) Principal Brian Mumbert is doing something about it: urging everyone to sign a change.org petition he posted to end child trafficking.

“Christians invest billions in Facebook stock while Facebook continues to allow sexual predators to recruit child victims,” he said. “It’s time for that to stop. Our goal is to get a million signatures and affect immediate change.”

The recent Texas ruling as well as the Federal Human Trafficking report follow a 2020 report by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which found that Facebook accounts for 20.3 million of the reported incidents of child sexual content, including child pornography and child sex trafficking. That dwarfs the next closest platform, Google, with 546,704 incidents. Facebook says the number is inflated by 90%, claiming that it includes reposted content. That would still equal over two million reported incidents against Facebook. So, even by Facebook’s own accounting, they have over 350% more sex trafficking than the next closest platform.

Mumbert points out the disparity in Facebook’s priorities when policing their sites. “Facebook blocks conservatives, pandemic questions and election challenges, and de-platforms Christian ministries over their support of Israel. But their algorithms overlook more than 20 million instances of sex trafficking and child exploitation,” he said. “How is that possible?”

Brian Mumbert has been educating people of faith and those who care where their money is invested about Facebook’s disregard for their values since Facebook went public, noting they have used shareholder assets to support abortion and other immoral activity. Companies that violate human rights and faith-based values have always been filtered out of all Timothy Plan investments. For 25 years, the Timothy Plan family of biblically responsible mutual funds has helped people achieve their financial goals while investing in a morally responsible manner.

Anintricate filtering process provided by eVALUEator Services LLC has been an essential tool to ensure Timothy Plan funds remain biblically responsible. Since 1994, Timothy Plan has existed to help advisers and investors achieve their financial goals through a pro-life, pro-family approach to investing—not only to benefit the investor but the broader culture.

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