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Biden describes as “despicable” that Trump mentioned George Floyd celebrating the data of the unemployment in the USA

Former Vice President of the United States Joe Biden described this Friday as “negligible” that the president, Donald Trump, mentioned the African-American citizen George Floyd while celebrating the data of the May strike in the North American country.

Specifically, Trump has pointed out that it was “a great day” for Floyd, who hoped he was looking “down” and said that for the United States “something great is happening.”

Floyd’s death at the hands of a white Minépolis Police officer on May 25 has sparked a wave of outrage and mass protests in the United States for the eleventh consecutive night. The mobilizations have also spread to other countries, such as Germany, France, Canada, Austria or the United Kingdom.

“George Floyd’s last words -” I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe “- have echoed across this nation and, frankly, around the world,” Biden said, as reported by CNN television. “That the president tries to put any other word in George Floyd’s mouth I think is despicable,” he assured.

“And the fact that he did it on the day that black unemployment has increased, Hispanic unemployment has increased, and black youth unemployment has skyrocketed says all there is to know about this man,” said Biden, who presumably He will face Trump in the United States elections, scheduled for November 3.

During his appearance, Trump welcomed the latest unemployment data for the country in May – a decrease of one and a half percentage points during the month of May, to stand at 13.3%, after the worst historical figure in April – and has defended the reaction of his Government to the coronavirus pandemic, which hit the North American labor market so hard.

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