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Biden wins in nine of the fourteen states of the ‘super Tuesday’ and Sanders wins in three

The Vermont senator leads the count in California, the state with the most delegates

The ex-president of the United States Joe Biden has imposed himself on the appointment of the ‘supermarte’ with a victory in nine of the fourteen states at stake, against a Bernie Sanders who manages to prevail in three states and aspires to achieve the victory in California, the state that more delegates distributes, according to the data of the US state electoral authorities and media projections.

Texas, with 228 delegates at stake, has been the last state to opt for the former ‘number two’ of Barack Obama, according to the projection made by the US television network CNN. Biden has achieved a significant victory in Minnesota, the state represented by centrist senator Amy Klobuchar, who retired on Monday from the race for the Democratic nomination and announced his support for the former vice president.

After a start of the Democratic race that generated serious doubts about the bad results in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada, Biden saw his candidacy re-launched on Saturday with his clear victory in the South Carolina primary and with the victory of this’ Super Tuesday ‘in nine states has seen its options reinforced again against a Sanders who until now led the Democratic competition.

Biden has achieved two important victories early in the night of the ‘super Tuesday’ in Virginia and South Carolina and has also imposed, according to CNN projections, in Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Tennesse, four southern states in the that support among the African-American population has been key.

Biden has also surprised with his victory in Massachusetts, the state that represents progressive Senator Elizabeth Warren and in which voters were expected to choose between Senator or Sanders, considering that both represent the most left wing of the party.

Sanders, who has managed to win the victory in Utah, Colorado and Vermont (the latter state is for which he has his seat in the United States Senate) is outlined as a foreseeable winner in California, the state that more delegates distributes the total 1,357 at stake in this ‘super Tuesday’.

Still achieving the victory in California, which distributes 415 delegates, Sanders would stay away from the results of the advantage in the Democratic race he hopes to get his campaign team in this ‘super Tuesday’ because Biden will lead the delegates count, managing to get delegates Californians for having exceeded the necessary threshold and also for the important victory in Texas, which distributes 228 delegates, and the victory in eight more states.

In addition, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg will also exceed the threshold and will be able to take over delegates in California, which will add to the only victory he has won in the territory of American Samoa.

The triumph of Biden in this ‘super Tuesday’ is a clear take off towards the nomination of a candidate who first appeared for a race for the Democratic nomination 33 years ago and who, until last Saturday, had never achieved a victory in a been in the primary process.

Until the celebration of the ‘super Tuesday’, Sanders had a slight advantage in the number of delegates of the Democratic Party compared to those accumulated by Biden, who at the beginning of the race for the Democratic nomination had emerged as the main favorite and did not have a good Iowa start.

In addition, the abandonment of the former mayor of South Bend Pete Buttigieg of the contest, the great surprise at the beginning of the Democratic primary for his victory in the Iowa caucuses and who was one of the centrist candidates, placed the senator for Vermont with more options although it benefited the former vice president because both Buttigieg and also the centrist Amy Klobuchar have expressed their support for the candidacy of the former ‘number two’ of Barack Obama.

The provisional results of this ‘super Tuesday’, in which 1,357 delegates of the 1,991 that guarantee the final nomination in the Democratic National Convention – to be held in Milwaukee from July 13 to 16 – are at stake, give clear support to Biden, while subtracting enthusiasm from Sanders.

Sanders is leading the count in California so far thanks to his support among Hispanic voters, whites and those under 30, harvesting 32.7 percent of the vote, compared to 23.6 percent of Biden ballots. The state of Maine has not yet been decided, with Biden in the lead with a slight advantage of just a thousand votes against Sanders.

In a speech in front of his supporters in Vermont, Sanders said he will win the Democratic nomination for the presidential elections. “When we started this race towards the presidency, everyone said it could not be done. But tonight I tell you with total confidence that we are going to win the Democratic nomination and we are going to beat the most dangerous president in the country’s history,” he said. .

“It’s a good night. It’s a good night,” Biden said on his part in a speech addressed to his supporters in Los Angeles. “And it seems that he is going to get better. They don’t call him ‘supermarts’ for nothing,” added the Democratic candidate.

As for the rest of the candidates, the results suggest that the final contest will be held between Sanders and Biden, since none of the remaining have achieved any significant victory and have remained rather invisible throughout the day.

The most striking case has been that of Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren, who has lost in her state to Biden. Warren has obtained poor results in the territory, being third with 22.1 percent of the votes, behind Sanders – 26.7 percent.

For his part, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has managed to reap a victory this ‘super Tuesday’, in American Samoa, the only American territory that celebrated its caucus on Tuesday. In addition, the pre-candidate Tulsi Gabbard, American Samoan, has achieved in the region its first and only delegate.

The abandonment of Buttigieg and that of Minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar at the gates of the ‘super Tuesday’, coupled with the fact that they both decided to support Biden, has also had beneficial effects on the results of the election day for the former US vice president. Specifically, Biden has concluded that he has managed to prevail in Minnesota, Klobuchar’s home state, thanks to his support. “We have won Minnesota by Klobuchar,” he has settled.

The American president, Donald Trump, has won for his part in the ‘supermarte’ of the Republican Party, which brings him even closer to the possibility of competing for re-election in the November elections.

Trump has won more than 95 percent of the votes in many of the states that have been contested on Tuesday, making 100 percent of the support in some like Maine or North Carolina. In California, Trump has won more than 92 percent of the vote.

In fact, in some states that were called to the polls this Tuesday, as in Virginia, the Republican Party has decided to cancel the primaries before the more than predictable and clear victory of Trump, who has not had serious opposition competitors in his way to be four more years in the White House.

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