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Disney closes its year with a profit of 10,022 million, 12.2% less

The Walt Disney Company posted a net attributable profit of 11,054 million dollars (10,022 million euros) at the end of its fiscal year, which is equivalent to a 12.2% decrease compared to its result of the previous year, the multinational reported .

Disney assumed a negative impact on its accounts of 1,183 million dollars (1,072 million euros) for the restructuring costs of the company after the acquisition of 21st Century Fox, compared to 33 million dollars (30 million euros) for the year previous.

The turnover of the company that owns ‘Mickey Mouse’ and Marvel superheroes registered an annual increase of 17%, to 69.570 million dollars (63.077 million euros), while the costs of the multinational increased at a rate of 29, 4%, up to 57,719 million dollars (52,332 million euros).

Disney’s media business increased its annual revenue by 13%, to $ 24,827 million (€ 22,509 million), including a 13% growth in cable channels and 14% in its broadcaster business.

For its part, the leisure park division increased its annual turnover by 6%, to 26,225 million dollars (23,776 million euros), while the business of studies grew 11%, to 11,127 million dollars (10,087 million dollars). euros)

In the fourth quarter, Disney’s net attributable profit decreased 54.6%, to $ 1,054 million (955 million euros), with a 33.5% increase in revenue, to $ 19,100 million (17,316 million of euros).

“We have spent the last years completely transforming The Walt Disney Company to focus the resources and the immense creativity of the company to offer an extraordinary experience to the consumer,” said the president and CEO of the multinational, Robert Iger. “We are excited for the launch of Disney + on November 12,” he added.

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