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Nearly 160 arrested for weekend protests in Hong Kong

A total of 157 people have been arrested over the weekend for the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, which have continued despite the definitive withdrawal of the extradition law to mainland China, police said Monday.

The security body has detailed that the detainees are charged with charges that include illegal assembly, looting, possession of weapons and attacks on police.

In addition, he has denounced the “rumors” that are circulating about inappropriate sexual behaviors and attacks on journalists with pepper gas by agents.

He has also taken the opportunity to ask the press and the general population to move away from protesters and police to avoid possible collateral damage. “We must keep in mind that, given the intensity and extent of violence used by protesters, anyone can be affected,” he said.

Thousands of Hong Kong people have taken to the streets again this weekend to demand that the head of the regional government, Carrie Lam, comply with all the demands made by the protesters.

The demonstrations began in June to demand the withdrawal of a bill that would allow the Hong Kong authorities to hand over any suspect required by the Beijing Government.

Lam announced last week the definitive withdrawal of said law, whose parliamentary procedure was already suspended, but refused to carry out an independent investigation into police violence in demonstrations, to release detainees without charge and to legalize universal suffrage.

These protests are the biggest challenge faced by the Beijing authorities in Hong Kong since the 2014 Umbrella Revolution, the first major mobilization to defend the rights and freedoms regime that the territory inherited from the British occupation and that it maintained after his return to China in 1997.

© 2019 Europa Press.

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