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Time highlights Nancy Pelosi among the most influential leaders of 2018

 New York, – The American magazine Time has highlighted the representative of the Democratic Party in the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, among the most influential political leaders of 2018, in a list that also includes President Donald Trump or the Italian politician Matteo Salvini.

Pelosi’s review published by Time highlights that he directed the election campaign for the mid-term elections of 2018, in which his party regained control of the House of Representatives dominated until then by Trump’s Republican Party.

He also highlighted the efforts of the policy for the approval of a law for the regulation of arms in the United States, as well as their struggle to defend reproductive rights, the payment of family allowances as well as the right of Americans to a Affordable healthcare

The review is written by former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
Time also highlights Trump for his international footprint by demanding from his NATO partners more contributions, his trade war with China, his pressures on Mexico and Canada to draft a “fairer” trade agreement and his historic approach to North Korea, in a note written by the Republican and former governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie.

Among the 26 most influential leaders, the publication also highlights the brand new Democratic politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a former waitress from the New York neighborhood of the Bronx who has become one of the most influential young leaders after being elected member of Congress of the United States last year.

“A year ago, she took orders in a bar, today, millions of people are taking notes of her,” says the review of the congresswoman, written by Democratic Senator and presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren.

Another one of the people highlighted by the magazine is the young Swedish woman Greta Thunberg, a 16 year old activist for climate change, as well as the new president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
In this section there are more Latin personalities, such as the president of the Venezuelan Parliament, Juan Guaidó, Pope Francisco and the Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro.

Among the leaders who have attracted Time’s attention is New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, whose fame was triggered by her praised response to the attack last March launched by an Australian racist against two mosques in the New Zealand town of Christchurch, which caused 50 dead and 50 injured.

Ardern, who did not hesitate to describe the terrorist attack, refused to mention the alleged perpetrator by name to deny him the notoriety and announced a reform of the law on the possession of weapons.
His review, written by the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, highlights that after the attacks, Ardern became “an inspiration for all the British.”

“He has sent a powerful message to the whole world about our shared values: that those who want to divide us will not succeed,” Khan writes.
The vice president of the Italian government and leader of the Northern League nationalist, Matteo Salvini, also appears on the list reviewed by Trump’s ex-adviser and ideologue of ultra-nationalism, Steve Bannon.
Bannon, who prepares in Italy an academy to support the populist and far-right front in Europe, praises the Italian politician who says that after the next European elections can go from being the European politician who is most talked about to being the most powerful.

On the other hand, Time emphasizes the Israeli president, Benjamin Netanyahu, who, according to a Time columnist, deserves to share part of the credit for the strength of Israel; the inherited prince of the United Arab Emirates, Mobamen bin Zayed; or special prosecutor Robert Mueller, who led an almost two-year investigation into the alleged links of the Trump team with the Kremlin.

The medium published the list of 100 most influential personalities in four groups, in addition to “Leaders”; “Pioneros”, where the actress Sandra Oh stands out; “Artists”, with actor Dwayne Johnson at the helm; “Icons”, with the American singer Taylor Swift as outstanding and “Titans”, where the magazine has wanted to place more visible Egyptian soccer star Mohamed Salah. (EFEUSA)

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