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Wage disparity between men and women is solved with “transparency”

 Miami, .- The “revelation of wages” and transparency is the “only” way to solve the gender pay gap, highlighted business and regional community leaders during a forum in Miami organized by the Americas Society / Council of the Americas (AS / COA).

“The revelation of numbers and the total transparency of companies can help achieve this,” said Susan Segal, president and executive director of AS / COA, during the Sixth Annual Forum of the Women’s Hemispheric Network.

The conversation, conducted in conjunction with the US law firm Greenberg Traurig, was aimed at identifying strategies to “collectively” implement the best diversity practices.
“This is a dialogue that should be encouraged between men and women both in the workplace and in the home,” said Segal, who called on men to allow women to broaden their work horizons.

“Consistently, studies show that companies with greater gender diversity outperform those that lack gender balance,” said Patricia Menéndez-Cambó, vice president of Greenberg Traurig.

The forum, which highlighted diversity as an engine of growth in the Americas, convened a select group of women business leaders, including Mónica Gil, executive vice president of NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises, and Paula Bellizia, vice president of Sales, Marketing and Operations of Microsoft Latin America
Gil stressed that “the empowerment of women is useless if it does not lead to change” and in that sense urged women to “ask for what they want”.

For her part, Bellizia said that women will be “much more successful”, once they renounce being perfect.
For Tish Mendoza, vice president of Human Resources and Business at The AES Corporation, the key is the participation of women in different sectors of the economy.

He pointed out in that sense that one in twenty women studied engineering against one in five men.
Launched in October 2012, the AS / COA Women’s Hemispheric Network has organized thirty events in nine cities in the United States and Latin America, building communities for women leaders and young professionals. (EFEUSA)

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