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The Government will blame the Armed Forces if it “spills blood” in Venezuela

 Washington, .- The Government of President Donald Trump believes that the Venezuelan Armed Forces will allow humanitarian aid in Venezuela from this Saturday, but would consider them responsible if things ended in a “bloodshed”, assured Efe a high Commissioner.

The official evaluated the prospects of the operation organized by the opposition leader Juan Guaidó, who proclaimed himself interim president of Venezuela in January, to introduce in the country on Saturday the assistance donated by several governments, including the US, and stored in border points of Colombia, Brazil and Curaçao.

“If there is a bloodshed inside Venezuela, it would be the fault of the Venezuelan Armed Forces and their Cuban guards,” said the source, who requested anonymity.

The Government considers that, if the refusal of the Venezuelan President, Nicolás Maduro, to allow the entry of aid results in acts of violence, these would necessarily be initiated by the Venezuelan Armed Forces or their supposed “Cuban guards”, because they are “the only persons who they have weapons inside Venezuela, “he explained.

“If they themselves cause harm to the population in Venezuela, they will be responsible, and the international community, including the United States, will carry out the consequences due to those individuals who violate the human rights of their own people,” he warned. official.

According to the source, “almost the entire Venezuelan military hierarchy has its relatives outside of Venezuela,” particularly in the Caribbean, in Spain or in Florida, and Washington knows “where they are” and “where they keep their money.”

If they do not break with Maduro, or if they commit violent acts, “the circle is going to close their families, they will have to return to Venezuela to live in misery and fear,” he predicted.

On the other hand, if they support Guaidó, Washington is “prepared to reward them, in the sense that they do not suffer those consequences, and not only that they accede to amnesty, but to remove them from the list of sanctions of the United States, of visas. “he added.

So far, few Venezuelan military have publicly broken with Maduro, and the United States knows that this step is crucial for a transition in Venezuela.

But Washington does perceive “a rupture and many conflicts” in the Armed Forces loyal to Maduro, with “enough interruptions in military authority” to anticipate a smooth entry of assistance, according to the source.

He added that the Venezuelan military leadership is “a group of hierarchs who have benefited from Maduro for a while and who are afraid, many of them, because they are being watched” by “the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba, which maintain the apparatus of military counterintelligence in Venezuela. “

The official trusted that, from tomorrow, “the Armed Forces will go to the call of Juan Guaidó”, because “the world will be watching”.

“We are confident and optimistic that the Armed Forces of Venezuela will come to their responsibility, to protect the people of Venezuela,” he insisted.

The official did not want to clarify whether the Trump government will contribute troops or logistical help to strengthen security at the border between Colombia and Venezuela to guarantee the passage of assistance, but said he is “prepared to help as it may”.

As for the two concerts to be held today in the border area between Colombia and Venezuela, one summoned on the Colombian side by billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson and the other in Venezuela for Maduro, the source said he is not concerned that they may arise tensions or security problems.

“The only tension that can be is that all the people on the Venezuelan side will want to see the real concert with the international stars, and not the paraplé (paripé) they are forming in Venezuela with the Micky Mouse artists they have,” he said. .

According to press reports, the special envoy of the Government for Venezuela, Elliott Abrams, has met in recent weeks twice in New York with the Venezuelan chancellor appointed by Maduro, Jorge Arreaza, and the official consulted by Efe did not rule out that there may be more encounters

“We are willing to meet with all Venezuelans and with all the people of Maduro’s group about their departure and about how, when and where they want to go, we have that conversation with Maduro himself if he wants,” he said. (EFEUSA)

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