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They ask the IACHR for precautionary measures for Guaidó in fear of suffering damages

Three lawyers today asked the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) for precautionary measures of protection for the self-proclaimed president of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, for fear that he may suffer irreparable damage.

In the petition, which Efe agreed, the lawyers ask for protection for Guaidó, as well as for his wife and daughter because, in the past, the opponent has already been “the object of acts of persecution, harassment, assault and deprivation. arbitrary of his personal freedom “by the Executive of the de facto president, Nicolás Maduro.

The three lawyers who filed a personal petition with the IACHR are Ignacio J. Álvarez, María Daniela Rivero and Juan Carlos Gutiérrez, representative of the opposition leader Leopoldo López.

“It is known by this honorable Inter-American Commission of Human Rights the treatment given by the Government of Nicolás Maduro to those who oppose his mandate,” the lawyers write, in a part of his letter citing the death last October of the opposition councilor Fernando Albán

The Office of the Prosecutor of Venezuela assures that Albán “committed suicide” when launching from a tenth floor in the facilities in which he was detained, while his family maintains that he was assassinated.

The lawyers affirmed that “against Juan Guaidó Márquez there have been incidents of threats, acts of harassment and persecution” and they cite as an example the brief detention of which was committed on January 13 by the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin).

The first of the “aggressions” cited by lawyers goes back to 2016, when the now president of the ruling National Constituent Assembly, Diosdado Cabello, used his program “Con el mazo dando” to accuse Guaidó of being part of a plan conspiracy against Maduro.

In addition, while participating in a demonstration in 2017, Guaidó was allegedly shot by an official of the Bolivarian National Guard, picks up the letter.

The lawyers claim that the “persecution” was “aggravated” by the refusal of Guaidó, president of the National Assembly (AN, Parliament), to recognize Maduro as president of Venezuela after January 10, when he returned to assume power after elections questioned by the international community.

Proof of that aggravation, according to the lawyers, is the message of January 11 on Twitter from the head of the Penitentiary Services, Iris Varela, who said: “Guaidó already I settled the cell, with your respective uniform, I hope that names quickly to your cabinet to know who will accompany you ‘pajúo boy’ “.

Before thousands of supporters in Caracas, Guaidó proclaimed himself interim president of Venezuela on Wednesday and won US recognition. and other countries of the continent, such as Brazil and Colombia.

The IACHR, an autonomous body of the Organization of American States (OAS), can request the 35 States under its jurisdiction to adopt precautionary measures to protect its applicants in situations of “seriousness and urgency that present a risk of harm”. irreparable “, as it appears in its regulation. (EFEUSA) .-

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