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Thursday, March 13, 2025

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New York 86 Fire Brigade to Participate in Cyclone Aid Tasks

A brigade of 86 firefighters from New York State are on the island as part of a support group for the debris and relief efforts following Hurricane Maria last week.

The governor of Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rosselló, Secretary of the Department of Public Security, Héctor M. Pesquera, and the head of the Fire Department, Alberto Cruz, received yesterday in the Command Center of the Government to the brigade.

At the gates of the Puerto Rico Convention Center, Pedro Rossello and the officials exchanged words and thanked those who supported the search and rescue missions with the continuation of work to reestablish communications and reinforce the resources that put at the disposal of the security apparatus of the Island.

“We are grateful to Governor Andrew Cuomo and to these public servants from New York who today came to our island to provide their experience in times of emergency in rescue and security,” said the chief executive.

Meanwhile, Cruz Albarrán said that “we are grateful for the support of the New York Fire Department, who from today are joining our firefighters to help rescue and rebuild our island.”

For his part, Secretary Pesquera, acknowledged that this group “will be an important part in assisting the multiple missions to restore Puerto Rico.”

The contingent of firemen of the “New York Fire Department” will begin to work immediately with all the already established structure of the Government of Puerto Rico.

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