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New York
Friday, February 21, 2025

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Hispanic Councilors Welcome New Hispanic Community Rise

New York’s Latino councilors, headed by President Melissa Mark Viverito, welcomed today the Hispanics who have chosen this city as their new home and have made this community the 29 percent of the population.

New Census data released this week show that between 2011 and 2015 the Latino presence increased to 2,437,297 to reach 28.9 percent of the total residents of the Big Apple, from 8,537,673 .

The largest increase was reflected in the Bronx district, where they make up 56 percent of its population, a trend that has been continuous for decades and is attributed in part to the Dominican community.

For 2010, the Latino population comprised 28.4 percent, mostly settled in the metropolitan area.

“We are proud to be a stop to this growth and what it means for the economy, culture and more.It is a testimony that our city is a place where immigrants from all over the world can find a home and create a new life for them And their families, “the joint statement said.

They add that it is an important moment to consider how this community can continue to lead and collaborate on a range of issues to follow the progress of the city.

It points out that its continued growth, more than any other group, highlights the need to make concerted efforts to place community talents in leadership positions in the public and private sector and in non-profit organizations.

“That would mean a large Latin presence in executive boards of the country’s 500 largest companies, major educational institutions or the government,” some of whom already hold a position, they added in the statement.

According to councilors, it would also mean increasing attention to education, with bilingual quality programs, and teaching about prominent Latino community figures.

The growth of the community is also hand in hand with the responsibility of collaborating with other communities.

“Latinos should be leaders in efforts to achieve social justice for all marginalized groups and work with all communities to build a better city for all,” they said.

The new Census data showed that the Hispanic population in every country grew for the same period by two percent – more than the whites – to reach 57.7 million people.

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