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Paquito Navarro and Sanyo Gutiérrez crowned in Miami

Spaniard Paquito Navarro and Argentina’s Sanyo Gutiérrez were again crowned champions in Miami in the second round of the World Tour, against the world number one Argentine Fernando Belasteguín and Pablo Lima, 7-6 and 6 -3.

Navarro and Gutiérrez revalidaron thus the victory obtained in Santander, less than a month ago, in the debut of the season, needing in this occasion only two sets and 50 minutes of party.

The equaled first set opted for the side of Navarro and Gutierrez thanks to their serious game and to have a cool head in the decisive points.

In the second round, the current world champions, Belasteguín and Lima, took their best repertoire to break the service of their rivals in the 3 and put a 3-1 on the scoreboard.

In the sixth game Navarro and Gutiérrez returned the break and from there they were unstoppable until the 6-3 that would be definitive.

The next stage of the circuit will be the La Coruña Open from 8 to 14 May.

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