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Pelosi claims Trump could be complicit in Capitol storming deaths

“It instigated the insurrection,” said the president of the US House of Representatives about the incident that claimed five lives.

The president of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, has affirmed that the outgoing president, Donald Trump, could be an accessory to the deaths that occurred during the assault on the Capitol that left five fatalities.

In an interview on MSNBC, Pelosi has repeatedly condemned Trump’s role in inciting violence in the January 6 riots and stressed that the outgoing president’s words are “important”, referring to his claims of voter fraud and his messages encouraging “saving America” ​​in the speech he shared with his followers in a ceremony a few hours before the incident.

“They used their words to get to this,” she lamented, adding that, if it is found that some members of Congress collaborated with the assailants, both they and Trump could be accomplices in the crimes committed that day on Capitol Hill.

“The crimes, in some cases, are murder,” said Pelosi, who insisted that Trump would be an accessory to this crime because he “instigated the insurrection that has caused death and destruction.”

These statements by the president of the House of Representatives are the harshest so far issued by any representative of the Democratic Party on Trump’s role in the assault in Washington on the day in which the victory of the incoming president, Joe Biden, was certified .

However, several officials have affirmed that they are investigating the figure of Trump in the protests and the leader of the Republican majority in the Senate, Mitch McConnel, has assured that the still president “caused” the incidents. “They were caused by the president and other powerful people,” he pointed out.

The White House has not yet ruled on Pelosi’s remarks, which take place shortly before Biden’s inauguration and as the Senate prepares to hold a new impeachment against Trump for “incitement to the insurrection “, charge framed in the assault on the Capitol.

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