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The Argentine Senate approves Milei’s star reform

The Presidency describes the approval of the Bases Law as historic: “It is a triumph of the Argentine people”

The Senate of Argentina approved this Wednesday by a minimal difference the Bases Law, the star reform of the Argentine president, Javier Milei, on a day marked by a general strike and tensions at the doors of Congress, where the security forces have repressed the demonstrators protesting against the measure.

After several modifications, the vote ended with 36 votes in favor, 36 against and zero abstentions, so the country’s vice president, Victoria Villarruel, who presides over the Senate, was in charge of breaking the tie by voting affirmatively, as reported. the Lower House through its profile on the social network

“Today we saw two Argentinas: one violent, which set cars on fire and threw stones, and which debates the exercise of democracy; and another, that of the workers, who is waiting with great pain and sacrifice for the vote that in November to be respected. last year he chose a change,” Villarruel argued amid boos from opposition senators because it was not up to him to justify his vote.

Then, he confirmed his position aligned with the ruling party: “For those Argentines who suffer, who hope that a situation that was perpetuated in pain for many years will be changed, who do not want to see their children leave the country, and who deserve pride.” of being Argentine: my vote is affirmative”.

The text, of more than 200 articles and which is a reduced version of the Omnibus Law, will return to Parliament to receive the final approval of the recent modifications. This legislation includes a controversial labor reform and the privatization of certain public companies, which has generated great controversy and rejection among unions.

The day has been marked by the repression of the security forces against protesters who gathered in front of Congress, in Buenos Aires, in protest against the debate on this reform. With at least 30 arrested and more than 20 police officers injured, Milei has congratulated the agents and has branded the attendees as “terrorist groups”, whom he has accused of perpetrating a “coup d’état”.

After the approval of the norm, the president’s office has published a statement in which he has celebrated “the historic approval”, highlighting a victory with the presence of only 38 deputies and seven senators from his party, since it has a minority in both chambers. .

“With terrorist groups attacking Congress, having to deploy security forces in defense of democracy, with the political caste resisting and operating until the last moment, and having to resort to the Villarruel tiebreaker, tonight is a triumph for the Argentine people and the first step towards the recovery of our greatness, having approved the most ambitious legislative reform of the last 40 years,” reads a statement.

The Milei Government has “highlighted the patriotic work” of the senators who “contributed their positive vote to the approval of this law, and hopes to continue counting on their commitment to leave behind the policies of failure and misery, and reinsert the Argentine Republic on the path of prosperity and growth.

The Argentine president, when the legislative process concludes, “will call on governors, former presidents, legislators” and “leaders of the main parties to abandon the old recipes of failure, forget political differences, embrace the ideas of freedom and establish ten refoundational policies to “give the future back to the Argentines.”

“This process will culminate with the signing of the ‘May Pact’, a historic commitment to lift Argentina out of the pit into which personal vendettas, petty interests and the poor ideology of the last hundred years have plunged it,” he said. .

For his part, the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, has highlighted that this is “an important step to face the path of investment, growth and work for all Argentines.” “The majority support of the people for the proposals clearly expressed by the president since the campaign, today becomes the hope of thousands of Argentines,” he concluded.

The bill establishes extraordinary powers for Milei in the event of an emergency declaration, as well as financial cuts in institutions, privatization of companies, layoffs of workers, elimination of compensation and benefits for high incomes, among others.

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