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Obama warns Democratic candidates not to choose too much on the left

Former US President Barack Obama has warned the presidential candidates of the Democratic Party not to choose too much to the left because voters could reject important social and administrative transformations.

“Although we press the environment and be brave in our vision, we must also be rooted in reality. The average American does not think that it is necessary to completely end the system and rebuild it,” Obama said during an act with Democratic campaign collectors, according to pick up ‘The New York Times’.

Specifically, Obama has referred to areas such as health or immigration in which the proposals of the candidates for 2020 could go too far for many voters.

Obama has not wanted to point to any specific candidate, but both Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have defended a “political revolution”, a “major structural change” with measures such as the elimination of private health insurance or a moratorium on deportations of foreigners .

“I don’t think we should fool ourselves and think that resistance to certain approaches is simply because voters have not heard a bold enough proposal and that if voters hear something so bold, they will be activated immediately.

In recent weeks, the main favorite for the nomination of the Democratic Party, former Vice President Joe Biden, seems to lose strength in the polls although it is the clearest option for the ideological center, while Warren or Sanders gain weight to compete against the current President, Donald Trump, in the November 2020 elections.

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