Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and the Mayor’s Committee for the Health and Welfare of the Elderly, together with representatives of Florida AARP announced on Monday October 28 the certification granted to Orlando by this prestigious organization as a member of the Network of Friendly Communities for Adults and the launch of a comprehensive community survey that will evaluate the kindness that Orlando offers to adults.
As a member of this network, the municipality is committed to carrying out research in the community to determine the kindness that our city offers to the adult population and develop an action plan to implement friendly initiatives for this sector of our society. These initiatives will be focused on housing, care of people, community participation, volunteering, social inclusion and the fight against isolation among elderly citizens.
During the announcement, Mayor Dyer and his Committee for the Health and Welfare of the Elderly, accepted the AARP Florida certification and unveiled the city’s new sign as a Friendly Community for the Elderly.
Among those attending the event were Jeff Johnson, director of AARP Florida; Jack McRay, Manager of Wellness Promoter at AARP Florida; Jeanne Curtin, director of Livable Communities, Florida Department of Old Age Affairs. The event was held in the Patio of the Beardall Senior Center in Orlando.