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Exiles ask Guaidó to go to the OAS to request a covenant application

  A Venezuelan exile organization in Miami on Wednesday asked Juan Guaidó, recognized as interim president of Venezuela by more than 50 countries, to travel to Washington to formally request the Organization of American States (OAS) the application of the Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance ( TIAR).

The TIAR is a mutual defense pact between the OAS countries and should be applied “given the invasion that Venezuela has of Cuban Castroites, Russians, Chinese and Iranians”, says José Colina, president of Venezuelans Persecuted Political in Exile (Veppex) , in an open letter addressed to Guaidó.

By asking “respectfully” to Guaidó to evaluate the possibility of a visit to the United States, Colina suggests that, if done, “take advantage” also to meet with President Donald Trump.

The president “has been our main ally since you made the decision to assume the interim presidency of Venezuela, fulfilling what our national constitution establishes,” says the Veppex leader.

In the letter, Colina recalls that Trump and the Organization of American States (OAS), through his Secretary General, Luis Almagro, have been “the most important allies the Venezuelan people have had in this fight against tyranny.”

“We consider it necessary to meet with them to draw up strategies and to thank all the support provided,” concludes Colina.

The United States Government was the first to recognize Guaidó when on January 23 he was proclaimed interim president in order to lead a democratic transition in Venezuela.

The Trump Administration has revalidated its support for Guaidó permanently and has warned the Government of Nicolás Maduro to abide by the consequences if it acts against him.

It has also imposed sanctions against the main figures of the Government and the Chávez party and narrowed the economic siege. (EFEUSA) .-

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