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The Senate of Puerto Rico confirms the new Secretary of Labor of the island

 San Juan, .- The Senate of Puerto Rico confirmed Briseida Torres as new secretary of the Department of Labor and Human Resources (DTRH) of the island.

Senators Juan Dalmau Ramírez and José Vargas Vidot voted against his appointment to the post.

Before being confirmed to the position, the president of the Senate, Thomas Rivera, said that with the arrival of Torres Reyes to the DTRH, the agency is injected with the energy “of a young person who has had several years of experience in the labor field, but above all, the desire, courage and determination to address an extremely complex and challenging issue such as labor issues in Puerto Rico. “

“I have had the opportunity to talk with Torres and she has a great commitment, I thank her and her family for being in charge of an agency that will require intense work hours to move forward. who can question or raise anything against any designated or appointed, “said the president of the Senate.

At the same time, he was “confident” that Torres Reyes will continue the “positive numbers” in the country’s economy.

Senator Dalmau Ramírez, for his part, said that he voted against the nominee because of differences in public policy vision because it does not coincide with his thinking or with that of the Puerto Rican Independence Party (PIP).

However, she highlighted the professional quality of the nominee, as well as the fact that Torres herself went to his office to meet him.

“It is when the vision of public policy, philosophical, collides with my vision and that of my Party.There are discrepancies between the policy adopted by this government and which the nominee has to answer and the vision I have regarding the right of workers “, said Dalmau. (EFEUSA)

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