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Potentini secures presidential candidacy for Trujillo’s grandson is unconstitutional

Justice and Transparency announces panel on the Legal, Constitutional and Political Context of Open and Closed Primary.

Calls to expand democratize the registration of the National Council of Magistrates and provide the Attorney General of the Republic with total independence.

Santo Domingo, DR.- The president of the Justice and Transparency Foundation (FJT), Trajano Potentini when interviewed on Tele-Matutino 11 by journalists Ramón Núñez Ramírez and Alfredo Núñez, which is broadcast from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m., by Telesistema channel 11, I assure that the presidential candidacy of Trujillo’s grandson, Luis José Ramfis Domínguez Trujillo, is unfeasible from the constitutional point of view.

Potentini external these considerations in the understanding that, Article 20 of the constitution, admits dual nationality and provides for Dominicans of origin, as is the case, to renounce his first nationality by birthright (the American) and subsequently reside for 10 years, prior to the candidacy in the Dominican Republic, conditions that until now we have no knowledge or evidence to prove it.

Justicia y Transparencia announces panel on the Legal, Constitutional and Political Context of Open and Closed Primary.

Also, the civil society entity announced the celebration next Tuesday, December 12, at 6 pm, in the conference room of the foundation, a panel of experts on the legal, constitutional and political context of the open primary and closed, with the participation of jurists and political scientists, experts in the field, José Alejandro Ayuso, Julio Cury, Freddy Angel Castro and Daniel Pou, who addressed the scope and effects of article 277 of the constitution and the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice, which declared the nullity of Law 286-04, the right to elect and be eligible, freedom of association, the role of political parties as constitutional bodies and their internal democracy (Article 216), direct or participatory democracy, the struggle between political groups within the LDP, the effects of the discussion in the system of political parties; among other issues and considerations.

It asks to expand and democratize the registration of the National Council of the Magistracy and to endow the Attorney General of the Republic with total independence.

In another order, Potentini favored modifying the constitution of the Republic, with the aim of expanding and democratizing the registration of the National Council of the Magistracy, with the participation of the Bar Association, the President of the Constitutional Court and other members from universities, in addition to endowing the Public Ministry with real independence and autonomy.

In short, seek a balance that institutionalizes the choice of members of the high courts, free of questioning and political contamination.

Complete Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fapqiqpLlWw&feature=youtu.be

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