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Trump turns his mugshot into ‘merchandising’ for the campaign

The photo taken of former United States President Donald Trump after turning himself in to the Georgia authorities has become a source of pride for the tycoon, who has not hesitated to spread it on his social networks and even use it to raise money for the campaign to the Republican primary process.

Trump manages all of his donations through Save America Joint Fundraising Committee, an organization that this Friday includes on the cover of its website an image of the former president’s mugshot, accused of trying to reverse the results of the 2020 elections.

“We will never give up our mission to save America,” Trump proclaims in the message, where he again talks about “electoral interference” and calls on citizens to make donations to expel Joe Biden from the White House and turn the page on “a dark chapter” in the history of the North American country.

The committee has added a new ‘merchandising’ product section with the image of the mugshot and includes a car sticker for $12, mugs for $25 or t-shirts for $34. The slogan ‘Never Surrender’ is printed on all these products.

Trump has followed in this case, his fourth criminal charge, the same strategy maintained in all the previous ones and which involves denouncing a witch hunt against him to try to remove him from power. Despite the judicial siege, he remains the favorite candidate in the Republican primaries, a long way from his rivals.

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