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Biden says Trump “panicked” during pandemic and questions his timelines to start the vaccine

Trump Says “Only Stupid” Wouldn’t Do Tax Engineering To Pay Lower Taxes Biden Accuses Trump Of Stoking Racial Hatred And Being Putin’s “Mascot” Trump Questions E-mail Vote Legitimacy And “Fraud” Alert

The Democratic candidate for the White House, Joe Biden, on Tuesday accused the president of the United States, Donald Trump, of “panicking” during the pandemic and has questioned the deadlines that the Republican has set for the start of a process of vaccination, during the first dialectical stake between the two for the presidential elections on November 3.

The electoral debate has been marked at all times by a harsh, disorderly style and with constant attacks between one candidate and another, and where the moderator has had to draw the attention of both due to the continuous interruptions.

The first part has been focused on the health issue and the management of the pandemic, which, Biden has said, Trump has never taken seriously, since he has always lacked a plan in this regard.

“Do you believe for a moment what he is saying?” Biden has directly questioned the viewers, in relation to the work of the Trump Administration during the COVID-19 crisis, which has once again been classified as a “Chinese pandemic” once again for the American president.

“He has not yet recognized that he knew this was happening, he knew how dangerous it was going to be in February and he did not even say so,” said the Democrat, who has accused Trump of being more aware of the “stock market.”

“It’s the same person who said this would end at Easter, or that you could even inject yourself with bleach,” Biden recalled.

In relation to the vaccine against COVID-19, Trump has been hopeful to be able to announce “in a matter of weeks” the first treatments, something that Biden has questioned, expressing that even the US president himself knows that the most optimistic deadlines are set. by the middle of next year.

The question of the use of the mask has also come up, with a Trump ironing about the use of this protection “at all hours” by Biden.

“I use it when I consider it necessary, not like him, that every time you see him wears a mask, he can be 600 meters away and have the largest mask I have ever seen,” said Trump.

In that sense, Trump has once again defended the holding of large rallies, despite the restrictions of some states due to the pandemic, since, he has said, not only “people want to hear” what he has to say, but the disease it does not affect outdoor events in the same way.

“If you could draw a big crowd, you would have done the same. But you can’t,” Trump has told Biden, who considers the recent Republican rallies in Tulsa, Oklahoma, or Arizona “very irresponsible.”

On the economic level, Trump has insisted that both Biden and the rest of the Democratic governors want to “destroy the economy” by keeping businesses closed.

However, Biden has demanded that his opponent get to work as soon as possible to “take care of the needs of the American people and thus be able to open safely.”

The president of the United States has also been questioned by the latest information that The New York Times published about that in 2016 and 2017 he only paid $ 750 in income taxes, after having gone a decade without doing so.

“I paid millions of dollars in taxes, millions of dollars in income taxes,” said Trump, who has again insisted that he show all the information in due time.

However, he has recognized that he has used “fiscal engineering” to pay less taxes, because “only a stupid person would not do it.”

Trump’s tax returns have been a mystery since he ran for the White House, subsequently making him the first U.S. president to not provide details on his finances in decades.

The Democratic candidate has begun his intervention on this other great question of American society assuring that Trump “feeds” racial hatred and division and has reproached him for not having done “practically nothing” for minorities and the African American community.

Trump has reminded Biden that it was he who in 1994 passed an anti-crime bill when he was a senator that harmed the African-American community and has accused him of being against law and order, as well as the Police.

The Republican president has been insisting once again that the riots that followed recent episodes of police violence against the black community were not quelled by the Democratic authorities of the states and has accused Biden of turning the suburbs to violence. “anarchist”.

“What really is a threat to the suburbs and their safety is their inability to deal with COVID-19,” Biden replied.

Asked if Trump would be so inflexible against the violence caused by white supremacist groups, he has responded affirmatively, but has clarified that “almost everything comes from the left, and not from the right.”

“Proud Boys (a group of extreme right assiduous to many of their rallies) back down and hold on. Someone has to do something with the anti-fascists and with the left because this is not a problem of the right,” he said.

In international matters, the tension between the two has grown when Trump has accused Biden’s son, Hunter, of corruption because of his relationship with Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company of whose board of directors he was part.

The tycoon has slipped that Hunter would have been corrupted after receiving “millions of dollars” from Elena Batúrina, wife of the former mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov.

“Look what your son has done, he has made millions in China and Ukraine. Just out of curiosity, the wife of the mayor of Moscow gave him millions of dollars, why? What did he do to deserve it?” Trump asked.

“That is not true, my son did nothing wrong in Burisma,” replied Biden, who has also defended him from the insinuations that Trump has launched in relation to his past addiction to drugs.

“My son had a problem with drugs, but he overcame it and I am proud of him,” said Biden, who has counterattacked by reproaching Trump for the “silence” after the news broke that Russia allegedly paid the Taliban for each of the casualties it caused within the US Army.

Addressing economic issues and about how Biden would respond to the recession, the democrat has assured that he will remain “firm”, as he already showed before the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin when he served as vice president in the Obama Administration.

“I have faced Putin and I have told him that I was not going to bend to him”, unlike, he said, of Trump, who has proven to be the “mascot” of the Russian president.

Faced with the crisis caused by the pandemic, the United States is the most affected country with more than 7.1 million cases and close to 206,000 deaths, and to avoid crowds and with it the possibility of more infections, the possibility of voting has been approved by email.

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