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The Pope asks for prayers for journalists who help people not be so isolated

The Pope has asked for prayers for journalists and people working in the media whose work allows people not to be “so isolated” in a context of mandatory confinement in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, Covid-19.

“Today I would like us to pray for all those who work in the media, who work to communicate, today, so that people are not so isolated; for the education of children, for information, to help endure this time. of closing “, has indicated the Pontiff.

Francisco made these reflections during the mass that he celebrates every morning at his residence, Casa Santa Marta.

Francis has commented on the Gospel of the day (Jn 8, 31-42) in which Jesus says to the Jews: “If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples; you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” The Pope has made it clear that being a disciple “means being guided by the Holy Spirit” and in this sense he has pointed out that the disciple of Jesus is “a free man, never subject to ideologies”.

According to the figures handled by the Civil Protection, in Italy there are a total of 77,635 infected and the death toll has already exceeded 12,400 dead. In total, 506,968 diagnostic tests have been carried out to detect the degree of spread of the coronavirus in Italy. The Italian authorities closed the schools last March 5 and decreed the confinement 4 days later. These restriction measures will foreseeably be extended until mid-April.

© 2020 Europa Press.

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