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France and Germany defend multilateralism and humanitarian aid at the UN

 United Nations, .- The German foreign minister, Heiko Maas, and his French counterpart, Jean-Yves Le Drian, defended Monday at the UN the importance of multilateralism in the face of international conflicts, as well as the importance of supporting humanitarian workers in wars.

Germany and France have decided to jointly preside over the UN Security Council in March and April, which according to Le Drian, sends “a message of support for the UN commitment”, which according to him has been called into question .

“The principle (of the UN) that the world is better regulated and conflicts can be prevented with the union of nations and cooperation between the different states has been white (from criticism),” the French minister said in a statement. brief appearance before the media, in which no questions were admitted, to mark the relay of the presidency of the Security Council to his German colleague.

The head of French diplomacy added that Berlin and Paris have launched an “alliance for multilateralism” to strengthen cooperation.

He has also insisted that their shared priority is work for peace, protection of humanitarian workers and peace operations in Africa.

For his part, Maas stressed the importance of two countries like Germany and France, which for centuries have maintained clashes, jointly presiding over the Security Council.
In his appearance, he also insisted on his commitment to defend humanitarian workers, increasingly harassed in armed conflicts.

In this regard, the German minister stressed that although there are sufficient norms and regulations around humanitarian aid, these are not respected.

“How to protect humanitarian workers is one of our central priorities,” insisted Maas.
His statements gave way to the first April meeting of the UN Security Council that maintains a rotating presidency that changes monthly.

Composed of 15 members, France is one of the five permanent states in the highest body of the UN, along with the United States, the United Kingdom, China and Russia. The rest of the countries, such as Germany, occupy a seat temporarily every two years. (EFEUSA)

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