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Mexico rejects US proposal to set quotas for steel and aluminum

Mexico, .- The Government of Mexico on Monday called for the elimination of tariffs on steel and aluminum trade imposed by the United States and rejected the proposal of Washington to replace them by quotas.

“Quotas are a way of managing trade and managed trade does not make any sense in a productive integration relationship like the one we have in North America,” Mexican Undersecretary for Foreign Trade Luz Maria de la Mora told reporters. .

In June of last year, US President Donald Trump began a trade war by imposing import duties on steel and aluminum to the European Union, Canada and Mexico, in a policy known as Measure 232.

As reported by the undersecretary at the end of the 102nd General Assembly of the American Chamber Mexico, the US government has proposed to the new Mexican Executive, in office since December 1, the substitution of tariffs for quotas that restrict the imported quantities of steel and aluminum. .

“Steel and aluminum cross the border several times, having quotas would be a way to impose a great inefficiency in the manufacturing industry of North America,” said the undersecretary.

In addition, he reiterated that “what is convenient for the region is to eliminate” the tariffs imposed by Measure 232 before the entry into force of the T-MEC, the renewed North American free trade agreement, which could be ratified before the end. of year.

“Mexico is not a threat to the national security of the United States, and the US imports of steel and aluminum from Mexico are less than the imports we make,” De la Mora said.

According to data offered by the undersecretary, Mexico has a trade deficit with the United States of 2,000 million dollars in steel and another 2,000 million in aluminum.

In parallel, this Monday was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) the continuity for six months in the 15% tariffs on steel imports for those countries with which Mexico has no commercial agreements. (EFE)

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