The Pretty Little Liars star took to Twitter to address recently leaked nude photos that were stolen from her phone and published online.
“Once again, a woman in the public eye was violated, stolen from and her private life and body were exposed for anyone to see,” Hale wrote on Thursday. “I will not apologize for living my life and having a personal life that is all mine. It’s truly unfortunate that being exposed in this way is allowed.”
The 27-year-old actress went on to thank fans for their support, and finished up with a stern message directed at “whoever” is responsible for the photo leak.
“Thank you for all the sweet, supportive messages I’ve been receiving. It was a much needed reminder that I’m surrounded by so much love. I appreciate you all very much,” Hale wrote adding, “And to whoever did this kiss my a**.”

Beyond publicly addressing the matter, Hale could be taking legal action against the site, Celeb Jihad, for publishing the images. According to TMZ , Hale’s attorney, Marty Singer, sent a stern letter to the site demanding that the images be removed.
Hale is the latest among a string of celebrities who have been hacked for their personal photos including Scarlett Johansson, Gabrielle Union, Kate Upton, and Leslie Jones.